Monday 22 September 2008

Confidence boost

Sorry, I haven't written for a few days.  Been a bit busy:

Anyway, I ran on Friday night after the terrible Tuesday and it went swimmingly, fantastic pace, all was well.  Thank Lordy for that!  I was seriously worried that a holiday had ruined me.  The weather was better too so that's got to help, still not sure what was going on, let's hope it doesn't happen again.

So, I was all happy then ready for a long run on Sunday.  Rattled off 18k averaging 5:19 a K which is great.  My target for the GNR is 1:55 that translates to 5:30 a k.  Feeling the effects today though, tight calves that I haven't suffered with for a while, just shows that Blackburn's a lot hillier than Lake Garda.

Liz has managed to get us a hotel in Gateshead rather than Morpeth too so that's much better.  She looks after me.  

The finishing time raffle starts tomorrow.  20p a ticket.  1st prize (closest) is a £15 Vue cinema voucher, 2nd and 3rd are boxes of chocs.  I'll post tomorrow on how to get a ticket, I'm doing it through work mainly.

Also, Liz is currently toiling away making cakes and cookies for the cake sale, unfortunately you have to work at Granby to be able to get one (or drive up if you're desperate for a cake) Stephen will like the free link.

Back to the training.  Final full week really, doing two 10ks then a 20 on Sunday then I taper the week after for the race so just a couple of 5s really.  It's all hotting up.

As a complete aside but they are my favourite band by far, The Killers new single's available for listening.  

Enjoy and check back tomorrow for raffle news.

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