Tuesday 2 September 2008

Well atleast I don't need a shower

Got in late again but didn't feel too tired so I thought I'd go for a run to save getting up a stupid O'clock tomorrow.  We'd had a storm earlier in the day but it was nice and dry if a little overcast but it all seemed fine.

So, about ten mins in.....

....the heavens opened.  I quite like running in the rain but this was a tad heavy.  Like I say, I don't think I need a shower now.  Well, maybe I do.

I'm sure I read somewhere that tears are slightly salty.  All I can say is sweat must be far saltier 'cause it doesn't half sting when mixed with rain and running into your eyes.

Having said that, the run was quite good (think I wanted to get home and out of the rain).

Just watching a thing about super strong people.  One guy's just punched through about eight concrete blocks, he doesn't even look that strong.  Good man.

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