Friday 29 August 2008

Oh yeah......

....Midges seem to swarm together in much bigger clumps in the morning and in bad light you can't see them so when you run through an unseen swarm they stick to your sweaty skin. Nice.

It felt like a Nike ad

Didn't quite make it for 5:00 but rolled out of bed at 5:20 so not too bad. 15 mins prep and stretching and then out of the house, it was still dark, a mist hung in the air but it was surprisingly warm.

In the first 20 mins I saw three people all in cars, I had the town to myself. I was trotting along, Bones by The Killers playing in my ears, that lovely early morning fresh smell that disappears as soon as the commute starts. Day was breaking and I genuinely thought to myself 'This is like a Nike ad.' In all fairness I was still half asleep.

Speaking of which

I wish I could get out of bed easier. I can do it but I wish I liked it. A run like this morning every day would be pretty cool.

No more knee news, it's boring me now so I'm shutting up about it.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Big wimp

I'm a big wimp and wimped out. Getting up at 5:00 in the morning to go instead though.

In all seriousness my knee still doesn't feel good, I think it may be a bit more mental though and I'm just worrying about doing more harm so close to the race.

I'm going to show a bit more commitment from tomorrow onwards and back to 20 miles a week till the physio gives me the nod to increase it.

Lazy, lazy, lazy

Well I feel like been really lazy over the last week or two. Work just gets in the way. Working till half six or seven then trying to do an hour's run before dinner is a bit much.

I'm definitely going for a 10k tonight, I thought if I put it on here that would force me into it.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

Could be better

Well it's still playing up, I'm not entirely sure the inner soles are helping, I'll keep up with them though. It's fine whilst running, it just complains a bit afterwards. I feel like a stuck record.

Did a good 10k yesterday though, it's runs like that that make it all seem so easy.

My GNR number arrived today, in the white zone so that's a lot better than being at the back for the Manchester 10k! Still aiming for that 1:55.

Friday 22 August 2008

Still a bit early to say

Went for a run last night, the usual 10k route, my pace was about normal, maybe a couple of secs a k down but nothing unusual. I did find it particularly tiring but I've been working stupid hours again and my diet's been a bit poor over the last week or so that's almost certainly an influence.

Well, the pain's definitely improved when running down hill but I do feel it more when running up hill. Having said that this morning (the morning after) there's very little discomfort and normally there's a bit when pressing the clutch in the car and walking downstairs. One strange side effect is I can definitely feel the VMO in my left leg working when I run now, it may just be psychological though.

I'm still hopeful, may try to make the most of the long weekend and do a 10 on Sat and a 10 on sun, that should give me a real feel for how it's going.

Fingers crossed again......

Wednesday 20 August 2008

I don't want to tempt fate but......

Well, I went to see the podiatrist on Monday, she reeled off several minor problems with my feet, toes and stance but nothing major. She gave me some basic orthotic inner soles for my shoes to help correct the over pronation, I'm certainly will to try anything.

Anyway, I got in late last night after work so I didn't really have time for my usual 10k, I thought it may be a bad idea anyway in case the inner soles gave me a bit of gib so I did a quick 5k. Immediately things felt better, normally my knee complains for the first couple of k but not last night. I was a bit naughty and ran at 5k pace too so putting more strain on my knee and it only complained a couple of times.

Like I say I don't want to tempt fate and it's a bit early to say but things are looking promising. I'll do a 10k tomorrow and see how it feels then.

Fingers crossed.

I got my fundraising pack through from Myeloma UK too, talk about bright orange! I'll certainly be visible in the GNR.

Friday 15 August 2008

7 weeks to go and the knee's still not right

I'm getting worried now. Still doing 3 x 10km a week but really need to at least start upping my long run. Saw the physio again this morning, I'm making progress but she still advised to keep my mileage down, she said really I shouldn't run so that will prolong the healing process.

However, I'm seeing a podiatrist on Monday to see if it'll help sorting my mild over pronation. I hope so, I'm still thinking of upping my long run slightly as I'm worried now about doing a reasonable time in the GNR. I've long accepted that 1:55 would be a reasonable target for this year but now I'm worrying that may be out of reach.

Ah well, on with the exercises, here's some more info from my ever increasing web link library for knee injuries.

An a completely separate note. Phelps. Seriously, even I'm excited at the prospect of 8 medals now.

Tuesday 12 August 2008

God bless Asics Cumulous

Just done a usual 10k training run, I've been running in Mizuno Waves for a couple of months and suffering with blisters. Finally I've given in and bought a different pair of shoes - Asics Cumulus. My God, it's like running in slippers. God bless Asics.

By the way if you're considering taking up running and need a nudge, have a read.

It's a couple of months now 'til the GNR so I'm starting to build my training up again after the dreaded runner's knee (still on-going but improving) so at least I've some comfy shoes to do it in. I just wish I lived in a flatter place.


I started running in Jan 2008, completed in Manchester 10k in May 2008 and I'm currently in training for the Great North Run in October 2008.

I'm currently doing around 20 miles a week but I'm building that up again after suffering a bit of runner's knee.

Bring it on.