Friday 29 August 2008

It felt like a Nike ad

Didn't quite make it for 5:00 but rolled out of bed at 5:20 so not too bad. 15 mins prep and stretching and then out of the house, it was still dark, a mist hung in the air but it was surprisingly warm.

In the first 20 mins I saw three people all in cars, I had the town to myself. I was trotting along, Bones by The Killers playing in my ears, that lovely early morning fresh smell that disappears as soon as the commute starts. Day was breaking and I genuinely thought to myself 'This is like a Nike ad.' In all fairness I was still half asleep.

Speaking of which

I wish I could get out of bed easier. I can do it but I wish I liked it. A run like this morning every day would be pretty cool.

No more knee news, it's boring me now so I'm shutting up about it.

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